دائره‌المعارف نظریه اجتماعی بلکــول


جرج ریتزر

▬ دائره‌المعارف نظریه اجتماعی بلکــول، به سرویراستاری جرج ریتزر، در دو جلد و ۱۰۳۱ صفحه، محصول ۲۰۰۵ انتشارات فوق‌العاده معتبر بلکــول است.
▬ ترتیب الفبایی مدخل‌های این دائره‌المعارف، علاوه بر یک ایندکس مفصل، در ابتدای کار به لحاظ موضوعی نیز مرتب شده‌اند و خط راهنمای خوبی برای تحقیق در نظریه‌های جامعه‌شناسی به دست می‌دهند:

Actor Network Theory | Annales School | Behaviorism | Cognitive Sociology | Collège de Sociologie and Acéphale | Complexity Theory | Conflict Theory | Conversation Analysis | Cosmopolitan Sociology | Critical Pedagogy | Cultural Marxism and British Cultural Studies | Cultural Studies and the New Populism | Ecofeminism | Ecological Theory | Elementary Theory | Ethnomethodology | Evolutionary Theory | Feminism | Feminist Cultural Studies | Figurational Sociology | Frankfurt School | Game Theory | General Systems Theory | German Idealism | Hermeneutics | Historical and Comparative Theory | Historical Materialism | Historicism | Institutional Theory | Labeling Theory | Learning Theory | Liberal Feminism | Marxism | Media Critique | Neo-Kantianism | Network Exchange Theory | Network Theory | Phenomenology | Philosophical Anthropology | Political Economy | Positivism | Post-Marxism | Postmodernism | Postsocial | Poststructuralism | Pragmatism | Psychoanalysis and Social Theory | Queer Theory | Radical Feminism | Rational Choice | Rhetorical Turn in Social Theory | Role Theory | Scottish Enlightenment | Semiology | Situationists | Social Constructionism | Social Darwinism | Social Exchange Theory | Social Studies of Science | Sociologies of Everyday Life | Standpoint Theory | Structural Functionalism | Structuralism | Structuralist Marxism | Structuration | Symbolic Interaction | World-Systems Theory

Alexander, Jeffrey | Althusser, Louis | Anzaldua, Gloria | Augé, Marc | Bartky, Sandra Lee | Bataille, Georges | Baudrillard, Jean | Bauman, Zygmunt | Beauvoir, Simone de | Beck, Ulrich | Becker, Howard | Bell, Daniel | Bellah, Robert | Benjamin, Jessica | Benjamin, Walter | Berger, Joseph | Blau, Peter | Blumberg, Rae | Blumer, Herbert | Bonald, Louis de | Bourdieu, Pierre | Butler, Judith | Cassirer, Ernst | Castoriadis, Cornelius | Certeau, Michel de | Chafetz, Janet | Chodorow, Nancy | Coleman, James | Collins, Patricia Hill | Collins, Randall | Comte, Auguste | Cook, Karen | Cooley, Charles Horton | Coser, Lewis | Dahrendorf, Ralf | Davis, Angela | Debord, Guy | Deleuze, Gilles | Derrida, Jacques | Dilthey, Wilhelm | Du Bois, William Edward Burghardt (W. E. B) | Durkheim, Émile | Eisenstadt, Shmuel N. | Elias, Norbert | Emerson, Richard | Foucault, Michel | Freud, Sigmund | Garfinkel, Harold | Giddens, Anthony | Gilligan, Carol | Gilman, Charlotte Perkins | Goffman, Erving | Goldstone, Jack | Gouldner, Alvin | Gramsci, Antonio | Habermas, Jürgen | Hall, Stuart | Harding, Sandra | Hartsock, Nancy | Hawley, Amos | Heller, Agnes | Homans, George | Hughes, Everett | Irigaray, Luce | Jameson, Frederic | Kristeva, Julia | Lacan, Jacques | Latour, Bruno | Lawler, Edward | Lefebvre, Henri | Lévi-Strauss, Claude | Lindenberg, Siegwart | Lorde, Audre | Luhmann, Niklas | Lukács, György | Maistre, Joseph de | Mann, Michael | Mannheim, Karl | Markovsky, Barry | Marx, Karl | Mead, George Herbert | Merton, Robert | Mills, C. Wright | Minnich, Elizabeth | Molm, Linda | Montesquieu, Charles Louis de Secondat | Pareto, Vilfredo | Park, Robert | Parsons, Talcott | Rieff, Philip | Ritzer, George | Rorty, Richard | Rousseau, Jean-Jacques | Rubin, Gayle | Ruddick, Sara | Sartre, Jean-Paul | Saussure, Ferdinand de | Scheler, Max | Schütz, Alfred | Simmel, Georg | Smelser, Neil | Smith, Dorothy | Sombart, Werner | Sorokin, Pitirim A. | Spencer, Herbert | Strauss, Anselm | Sumner, William Graham | Taylor, Charles | Thomas, William Isaac | Tilly, Charles | Tocqueville, Alexis de | Tönnies, Ferdinand | Touraine, Alain | Turner, Bryan | Turner, Jonathan | Veblen, Thorstein | Virilio, Paul | Wallerstein, Immanuel | Weber, Marianne | Weber, Max | White, Harrison | Willer, David | Wright, Erik Olin | Wuthnow, Robert | Zˇ izˇek, Slavoj | Znaniecki, Florian Witold

Civilizing Processes | Elias, Norbert | Giddens, Anthony | Globalization | Goldstone, Jack | Historical and Comparative Theory | Ideal Type | Industrial Society | Institutional Theory | Mann, Michael | Nationalism | Revolution | Smelser, Neil | Social Movement Theory | Sorokin, Pitirim | State | Tilly, Charles | Tocqueville, Alexis de | Wallerstein, Immanuel | Weber, Max | World-Systems Theory

Agency-Structure Integration | Collins, Randall | Dilthey, Wilhelm | Essentialism | Feminist Epistemology | Genealogy | German Idealism | Hermeneutics | Historicism | Levels of Social Structure | Metatheory | Micro-Macro Integration | Paradigm | Positivism | Positivismusstreit (Positivist Dispute) | Postmodernism | Rhetorical Turn in Social Theory | Ritzer, George | Rorty, Richard | Structuration | Taylor, Charles | Theory Construction | Turner, Jonathan | Verstehen | Werturteilsstreit (Value Judgment Dispute)



AGIL | Alexander, Jeffrey | Annales School | Bell, Daniel | Bellah, Robert | Blumberg, Rae | Capital | Capitalism | Chafetz, Janet | Collective Conscience | Collins, Randall | Conflict Theory | Coser, Lewis | Culture and Civilization | Dahrendorf, Ralf | Disneyization | Du Bois, William Edward Burghardt (W. E. B) | Durkheim, Émile | Ecological Theory | Eisenstadt, Shmuel N. | Enchantment/Disenchantment | Evolutionary Theory | Fordism and Post-Fordism | General Systems Theory | Giddens, Anthony | Globalization | Goldstone, Jack | Gouldner, Alvin | Hawley, Amos | Heller, Agnes | Historical and Comparative Theory | Historical Materialism | Ideal Type | Imperialism | Industrial Society | Institutional Theory | Luhmann, Niklas | Mann, Michael | Marx, Karl | Marxism | McDonaldization | Merton, Robert | Mills, C. Wright | Modernity | Nationalism | Park, Robert | Parsons, Talcott | Rationalization | Revolution | Risk Society | Ritzer, George | Secularization | Smelser, Neil | Social Class | Social Darwinism | Social Facts | Social Market Economy | Social Movement Theory | Sorokin, Pitirim | Spencer, Herbert | State | Statics and Dynamics | Structural Functionalism | Sumner, William Graham | Tilly, Charles | Tönnies, Ferdinand | Turner, Jonathan | Urbanization | Wallerstein, Immanuel | Weber, Max | White, Harrison | World-Systems Theory | Wright, Erik Olin | Wuthnow, Robert

Becker, Howard | Blumer, Herbert | Cognitive Sociology | Collective Memory | Conversation Analysis | Cooley, Charles Horton | Crime | Deviance | Dramaturgy | Emotion Work | Ethnomethodology | Frame Analysis | Garfinkel, Harold | Goffman, Erving | Hughes, Everett | Identity | Impression Management | Lifeworld | Mead, George Herbert | Negotiated Order | Phenomenology | Pragmatism | Rieff, Philip | Role Theory | Sartre, Jean-Paul | Schütz, Alfred | Self and Self-Concept | Simmel, Georg | Smith, Dorothy | Social Constructionism | Social Interaction | Social Studies of Science | Social Worlds | Sociologies of Everyday Life | Strauss, Anselm | Symbolic Interaction | Total Institutions | Verstehen | Znaniecki, Florian Witold

Affect Control Theory | Behaviorism | Berger, Joseph | Blau, Peter | Coleman, James | Commitment | Cook, Karen | Distributive Justice | Elementary Theory | Emerson, Richard | Exchange Coalitions | Exchange Networks | Game Theory | Generalized Exchange | Graph Theoretic Measures of Power | Homans, George | Lawler, Edward | Lindenberg, Siegwart | Markovsky, Barry | Molm, Linda | Network Exchange Theory | Network Theory | Power-Dependence Relations | Procedural Justice | Rational Choice | Relational Cohesion | Simulations | Social Dilemma | Social Exchange Theory | Social Rationality | Status Relations | Strength of Weak Ties | Trust | Willer, David

Benjamin, Jessica | Body | Castoriadis, Cornelius | Chodorow, Nancy | Freud, Sigmund | Gilligan, Carol | Irigaray, Luce | Kristeva, Julia | Lacan, Jacques | Male Gaze | Psychoanalysis and Social Theory | Rieff, Philip | Sexuality and the Subject | Zˇ izˇek, Slavoj

Althusser, Louis | Bellah, Robert | Benjamin, Walter | Bourdieu, Pierre | Butler, Judith | Celebrity | Civility | Civilizing Processes | Collective Memory | Consumer Culture | Critical Pedagogy | Cultural Capital | Cultural Marxism and British Cultural Studies | Cultural Studies and the New Populism | Culture and Civilization | Debord, Guy | Deleuze, Gilles | Derrida, Jacques | Dilthey, Wilhelm | Discourse | Disneyization | Eisenstadt, Shmuel N. | Elias, Norbert | Feminist Cultural Studies | Film | Frankfurt School | Genealogy | Gramsci, Antonio | Hall, Stuart | Hermeneutics | Hollywood Film | Hyperreality | Individualism | Internet and Cyberculture | Jameson, Frederic | Latour, Bruno | Lukács, György | McDonaldization | Means of Consumption | Media Critique | Morality and Aesthetic Judgement | Popular Music | Pornography and Cultural Studies | Postcolonialism | Postmodernism | Postsocial | Risk Society | Semiology | Sexuality and the Subject | Simulation | Situationists | Social Studies of Science | Sport | Television and Social Theory | Turner, Bryan | Utopia | Video and Computer Games | Virilio, Paul | Wuthnow, Robert | Zˇ izˇek, Slavoj

Body | Butler, Judith | Deconstruction | Deleuze, Gilles | Derrida, Jacques | Discourse | Essentialism | Foucault, Michel | Genealogy | Governmentality | Hyperreality | Jameson, Frederic | Lacan, Jacques | Logocentrism | Postcolonialism | Post-Marxism | Postsocial | Poststructuralism | Rorty, Richard | Simulation | Situationists | Social Constructionism | Virilio, Paul | Žižek, Slavoj



Alienation | Althusser, Louis | Bartky, Sandra Lee | Benjamin, Walter | Bourdieu, Pierre | Capital | Capitalism | Castoriadis, Cornelius | Cultural Marxism and British Cultural Studies | Davis, Angela | Dialectic | Exploitation | Frankfurt School | Gramsci, Antonio | Heller, Agnes | Historical Materialism | Imperialism | Jameson, Frederic | Lefebvre, Henri | Lukács, György | Marx, Karl | Marxism | Means of Consumption | Means of Production | Mills, C. Wright | Political Economy | Post-Marxism | Reform | Revolution | Social Class | Socialism | Structuralist Marxism | World-Systems Theory | Wright, Erik Olin | Zˇ izˇek, Slavoj

Anzaldua Gloria | Bartky, Sandra Lee | Beauvoir, Simone de | Benjamin, Jessica | Blumberg, Rae | Body | Butler, Judith | Chafetz, Janet | Chodorow, Nancy | Collins, Patricia Hill | Compulsory Heterosexuality | Davis, Angela | Ecofeminism | Essentialism | Family Wage | Feminism | Feminist Cultural Studies | Feminist Epistemology | Feminist Ethics | Gender | Gilligan, Carol | Gilman, Charlotte Perkins | Harding, Sandra | Hartsock, Nancy | Irigaray, Luce | Kristeva, Julia | Lesbian Continuum | Liberal Feminism | Lorde, Audre | Male Gaze | Maternal Thinking | Matrix of Domination | Minnich, Elizabeth | Outsider-Within | Partriarchy | Postmodernist Feminism | Queer Theory | Radical Feminism | Rubin, Gayle | Ruddick, Sara | Sexuality and the Subject | Smith, Dorothy | Standpoint Theory | Weber, Marianne



Authority | Beck, Ulrich | Benjamin, Walter | Cassirer, Ernst | Cosmopolitan Sociology | Culture and Civilization | Dahrendorf, Ralf | Dilthey, Wilhelm | Frankfurt School | German Idealism | Green Movements | Habermas, Jürgen | Hermeneutics | Herrschaft (Rule) | Historicism | Holocaust | Ideal Type | Lifeworld | Luhmann, Niklas | Marx, Karl | Neo-Kantianism | Phenomenology | Philosophical Anthropology | Positivismusstreit (Positivist Dispute) | Risk Society | Scheler, Max | Simmel, Georg | Social Action | Social Market Economy (Soziale Markwirtscaft) | Sombart, Werner | Tönnies, Ferdinand | Verstehen | Weber, Marianne | Weber, Max | Werturteilsstreit (Value Judgment Dispute)

Bauman, Zygmunt | Body | Citizenship | Civilizing Processes | Cultural Marxism and British Cultural Studies | Elias, Norbert | Figurational Sociology | Giddens, Anthony | Hall, Stuart | Mann, Michael | Postmodernism | Scottish Enlightenment | Spencer, Herbert | Structuration | Turner, Bryan

AGIL | Alexander, Jeffrey | Anzaldua, Gloria | Bartky, Sandra Lee | Becker, Howard | Behaviorism | Bell, Daniel | Bellah, Robert | Benjamin, Jessica | Berger, Joseph | Blau, Peter | Blumer, Herbert | Butler, Judith | Chafetz, Janet | Chodorow, Nancy | Coleman, James | Collins, Patricia Hill | Collins, Randall | Conversation Analysis | Cook, Karen | Cooley, Charles Horton | Coser, Lewis | Davis, Angela | Dramaturgy | Du Bois, William Edward Burghardt (W. E. B) | Emerson, Richard | Ethnomethodology | Fordism and Post-Fordism | Frame Analysis | Garfinkel, Harold | Gilligan, Carol | Gilman, Charlotte Perkins | Goffman, Erving | Goldstone, Jack | Gouldner, Alvin | Harding, Sandra | Hartsock, Nancy | Hawley, Amos | Hollywood Film | Homans, George | Hughes, Everett | Jameson, Frederic | Labeling Theory | Lawler, Edward | Learning Theory | Liberal Feminism | Lorde, Audre | Markovsky, Barry | McDonaldization | Mead, George Herbert | Merton, Robert | Minnich, Elizabeth | Molm, Linda | Park, Robert | Parsons, Talcott | Pragmatism | Rieff, Philip | Ritzer, George | Rorty, Richard | Rubin, Gayle | Ruddich, Sara | Smelser, Neil | Strauss, Anselm | Structural Functionalism | Sumner, William Graham | Symbolic Interaction | Thomas, William Isaac | Tilly, Charles | Turner, Jonathan | Veblen, Thorstein | Wallerstein, Immanuel | White, Harrison | Willer, David | Wright, Erik Olin | Wuthnow, Robert

Althusser, Louis | Annales School | Anomie | Augé, Marc | Bataille, Georges | Baudrillard, Jean | Beauvoir, Simone de | Bonald, Louis de | Bourdieu, Pierre | Certeau, Michel de | Collective Conscience | Collège de Sociologie and Acéphale | Comte, Auguste | Debord, Guy | Deconstruction | Deleuze, Gilles | Derrida, Jacques | Discourse | Durkheim, Émile | Foucault, Michel | Genealogy | Governmentality | Habitus | Hyperreality | Irigaray, Luce | Kristeva, Julia | Lacan, Jacques | Latour, Bruno | Lefebvre, Henri | Lévi-Strauss, Claude | Logocentrism | Maistre, Jospeh de | Montesquieu, Charles Louis de Secondat | Poststructuralism | Religion in French Social theory | Rousseau, Jean-Jacques | Sacred and Profane | Sartre, Jean-Paul | Saussure, Ferdinand de | Semiology | Situationists | Social Facts | Statics and Dynamics | Structuralism | Structuralist Marxism | Tocqueville, Alexis de | Touraine, Alain | Virilio, Paul

Castoriadis, Cornelius | Eisenstadt, Shmuel N. | Gramsci, Antonio | Heller, Agnes | Lindenberg, Siegwart | Lukács, György | Mannheim, Karl | Pareto, Vilfredo | Schütz, Alfred | Smith, Dorothy | Taylor, Charles | Zˇ izˇek, Slavoj | Znaniecki, Florian Witold



Affect Control Theory | AGIL | Alienation | Anomie | Authority | Body | Bureaucracy | Capital | Capitalism | Celebrity | Citizenship | Civil Society | Civility | Civilizing Processes | Collective Conscience | Collective Memory | Commitment | Compulsory Heterosexuality | Consumer Culture | Crime | Cultural Capital | Culture and Civilization | Deconstruction | Democracy | Deviance | Dialectic | Discourse | Disneyization | Distributive Justice | Dramaturgy | Emergence | Emotion Work | Enchantment/Disenchantment | Essentialism | Exchange Coalitions | Exchange Networks | Exploitation | Family Wage | Feminism | Feminist Epistemology | Feminist Ethics | Film | Fordism and Post-Fordism | Frame Analysis | Gender | Genealogy | Generalized Exchange | Globalization | Governmentality | Graph Theoretic Measures of Power | Green Movements | Habitus | Herrschaft (Rule) | Hollywood Film | Holocaust | Hyperreality | Ideal Type | Identity | Imperialism | Impression Management | Individualism | Industrial Society | Internet and Cyberculture | Intimacy | Lesbian Continuum | Levels of Social Structure | Lifeworld | Logocentrism | Madness | Male Gaze | Maternal Thinking | Matrix of Domination | McDonaldization | Means of Consumption | Means of Production | Metatheory | Modernity | Morality and Aesthetic Judgement | Nationalism | Negotiated Order | Outsider-Within | Paradigm | Patriarchy | Political Economy | Popular Music | Pornography and Cultural Studies | Postcolonialism | Postmodernism | Postsocial | Power | Power-Dependence Relations | Procedural Justice | Professions | Public Sphere | Rationalization | Reform | Relational Cohesion | Religion | Religion in French Social Theory | Revolution | Risk Society | Sacred and Profane | Scottish Enlightenment | Secularization | Self and Self-Concept | Sexuality and the Subject | Simulation | Simulations | Social Capital | Social Class | Social Dilemma | Social Facts | Social Interaction | Social Market Economy (Soziale Markwirtschaft) | Social Movement Theory | Social Rationality | Social Space | Social Studies of Science | Social Worlds | Socialism | Sport | State | Statics and Dynamics | Status Relations | Stratification | Strength of Weak Ties | Structuration | Surveillance and Society | Television and Social Theory | Time and Social Theory | Total Institutions | Trust | Urbanization | Utopia | Verstehen | Video and Computer Games | Vocabularies of Motives

Alexander, Jeffrey | Authority | Bonald, Louis de | Castoriadis, Cornelius | Citizenship | Civil Society | Cosmopolitan Sociology | Cultural Marxism and British Cultural Studies | Cultural Studies and the New Populism | Democracy | Distributive Justice | Governmentality | Gramsci, Antonio | Green Movements | Habermas, Jürgen | Herrschaft (Rule) | Historical and Comparative Theory | Identity Politics | Imperialism | Maistre, Joseph de | Marxism | Montesquieu, Charles Louis de Secondat | Nationalism | Political Economy | Post-Marxism | Power | Procedural Justice | Public Sphere | Reform | Revolution | Rousseau, Jean-Jacques | Scottish Enlightenment | Socialism | State | Taylor, Charles | Tilly, Charles | Tocqueville, Alexis de | Touraine, Alain | Utopia

Capital | Capitalism | Consumer Culture | Exploitation | Family Wage | Fordism and Post-Fordism | Game Theory | Historical Materialism | Imperialism | Industrial Society | Marx, Karl | Marxism | Means of Consumption | Means of Production | Pareto, Vilfredo | Political Economy | Post-Marxism | Rational Choice | Reform | Scottish Enlightenment | Social Class | Social Market Economy | Socialism | Sombart, Werner | Stratification | Veblen, Thorstein | Wallerstein, Immanuel | Weber, Max | World-Systems Theory | Wright, Erik Olin

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